Acid rain is a big problem due to pollution, and you will see many countries are facing such kinds of problems. It is all about natural changes in the atmosphere, and to understand it, we must focus on different points. In the normal rain, the water is dropping in without acid, and there are no harmful effects on our daily life.
What is acid rain?
Mostly people see acid rain, but we did not notice what the chemical reactions on it. The water in acid rain has high acidity, and that is enough to destroy forests, rivers, and many species. It directly hit negative effects on living things. The PH value of acid rain is normally 4 to 5, and the main cause of the rain is fuel combustion. We have to understand all things related to acid rain and enhance the knowledge easily.
Adverse effects on different areas
There is no major advantage of acid rain, so we are talking about negative effects only. Any disaster in the earth directly hit on forest ecological system. By that, we notice some birds and animals lower down his number. In this article, we are sharing important areas that are directly connected to our life.
River systems
In the river system, we have to know about different kinds of living organisms. Fishes are the main things for everyone, and they are a source of food in many courtiers. Acid rain easily attacks their ecosystem and destroys other things. River water is also used for drinking water, and due to rain acidity is increased. Lots of people depend on the only river for many things. For avoiding it, we can go with the limestone process, but that is a temporary method for us.
Forest ecosystem
Different plants are available in the forest, and our governments are trying to save all plants from maintaining the ecosystem. The acid rain easily destroys it, but a regular interval gives us a nice way to save. Some plants can tolerate all kinds of natural disasters. Some animals living on a special type of food and that are available only in rainy session, but acid rain spoils everyone. By that, many animals are dying, and you cannot control it.
Man-made structures
It is hard to protect man-made structures because, generally, they are open. The structures are to showcase the beauty, but you can see effects on marble and limestone. Both materials are decreasing his shine and color. Commonly only buildings are made with marbles and limestone. Some kinds of chemical reactions are going on the material to destroy beauty.
Soil quality
Biological changes also happen in soil, and some microbes can easily consume acid. Different kinds of toxins are mixed in water of acid rain, and after heavy acid, you will notice a white layer on the surface. Some small insects cannot tolerate acid, and they easily vanish on the land. We have to find out various natural ways to stop pollution.
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