Although it is often thought that rainforests are the world’s main supply of oxygen, the truth is that rainforests actually account for 28% of total oxygen, while oceans account for 70%. Seven out of ten breaths we take is from the sea, no matter how long we live from it. Have you wondered about a tree growing out of the water? Isn’t that correct? That’s because the phytoplankton takes care of everything in the ocean. Phytoplankton is an infinitesimal plant that is a present in plankton and spends its entire age taken by ocean currents. These tiny organisms work similar to tree leaves do on soil. Earn money that you can donate to NGOs that care for the environment, play simple and interactive betting games at 안전놀이터.
The sea influences our environment in a variety of ways. It absorbs heat from the equator and provide warm water for poles, as well as cold water to the tropics from the poles. Weather could be severe in certain areas without these tides, and less places could be habitable. This controls rainfall and droughts. Almost all the rain that falls on land is from the sea, which holds 97 percent of the water on our planet.
About three billion years of evolution have resulted in biodiversity. For over a billion people, it is their primary pole of protein. Fish makes up to 15.7 percent of all animal protein eaten around the world. However, not all is made up of seafood and fish.
Every day, fish is on the menu for billions of people all over the world. It accounts for about a quarter of all animal protein consumed worldwide. Of course, seafood encompasses more than just fish, crustaceans, and other edible creatures. Cooking with a variety of algae and mosses is also popular.
According to an OECD survey, ocean-based industries will employ more than 40 million people worldwide by 2030. The fishing industry is expected to account for the majority of those jobs, followed by tourism. And to be more environment friendly, you could just travel short distances using
Of course, the economic health of maritime industries is inextricably related to the health of the oceans as a whole.
Not only do we water lovers call the ocean home, but also the greatest diversity of life. You could see whales, dolphins, or a turtle coming up for a break as you sail across the ocean. It is just what we see on the horizon; there is far more activity under the sea’s surface than on land. There are over 300.000 distinct animals underwater, according to scientists.
When we take a dip in the sea, our inner dolphin comes out. The “mammalian diving reflex” is what it’s called. This is something I discovered when I first began freediving. When our face comes into contact with water, our heart rate slows and blood flows from our extremities to our brain, heart, and vital organs.
The sun’s heat is absorbed by the ocean in large quantities. According to the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, “more than 90% of the warming that has occurred on Earth during the last 50 years has occurred in the ocean.”