You can see many different creatures that live in the Ocean. The marine creatures would breathe
out the air and extract the oxygen from water. Some of them float up on the surface and others
would dive into the Ocean’s depth. There are some creatures that would eat other fish and the
plants that are used for generating the food from sunlight. The different section of ocean life are
categorized into the following groups as listed below
1) Plankton the wanderer
It is an organism that could not swim but they can float along with the current and the word
Plankton comes out from the Greek work for wanderer. Most of them are microscopic and some
are visible to naked eyes. The phytoplankton acts as the tiny plant that makes the food by
photosynthesis. It is responsible for the primary productivity on the earth.
2) Seaweeds use the photosynthesis
Few plants would found in the Oceans that include the salt march grasses and the mangroves
trees. Although they are not the real plants and large algae that are called as the seaweeds, that
makes use of the photosynthesis for making food.
3) Reptiles
Few types of the reptiles could live in the oceans. The sea snakes bear the live young in Ocean
but the crocodiles and the marine iguanas would lay their eggs on lands.
Expressive marine life features that impresses you
Coral reef: The coral reef ecosystems are some of the diverse ecosystem that is found in the
world. The coral polyps are primary responsible for building out the reefs which takes many
forms that is used for building out the large reef buildings, graceful flowing and solitary
organisms. One can discover a lot of coral species were you can discover a lot of warm, tropical
sears and dark depths.
Seafood: It plays the essential role that is used for feeding out the worlds growing populations.
The healthy fish populations would leads to the healthy ocean and it is responsible to be the part
of solutions. The resilience’s of the marine ecosystem and the coastal communities depends
based on the sustainable fisheries.
Marine mammals – The mammals acts as the endothermic and vertebrates that gives birth to the
young life and they feed them milk and they have the hair, ears and the jaw bone along with the
teeth. For swimming out the streamlined bodies, hair and fins are used. Fut, high metabolic rates
and specialized blood system are used for keeping the body warmth. The kidneys which excrete
the salt with the impervious skin are used for salinity.
Intertidal – It provide high level of energy waves pound organisms. The hard shells protects out
from the pounding waves for exposure of the air during the low tides.
When you started reading the marine news / ocean life sure you would really fully filled up with
pleasant happiness. It is because that much is there for you to find out. While you are going
through its life and features you would really wonder, each type of species would have its own
speciality and functionality.
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